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A hand-held rolling device with a smooth action roller head embedded with durable 0.1mm stainless steel micro-needles for use on the face.

Recommended Use

After cleansing, divide the area to be treated into sections - forehead, nose, cheeks, the mouth area and the right and left sides of the neck, not forgetting the décolleté area and the back of the hands. If you don’t wish to work the entire face each time, you may work consistently on an area where you’d like to see the most improvement.

Start on the forehead and roll vertically. Gradually move across the skin until you have made three to five passes over the entire forehead in a vertical direction. Then roll on each diagonal, for three to five passes, covering the same area and finally roll for three to five passes horizontally.

Treat each area of your skin sequentially until the whole face, neck and décolleté have been treated thoroughly and evenly. Follow with your recommended Environ products.

Three to five minutes of rolling time is usually sufficient for the face and neck, depending on your speed of rolling. The Cosmetic Roll-CIT™ should be used on the upper and lower eyelid with caution. The upper eyelid cannot be treated below the bone of the brow, unless the skin is pulled up taut onto the bony margin.

Start by rolling twice a week and slowly increase to daily use, unless recommend otherwise by your skin therapist.

Suitable for all skin types. Avoid severe solar keratosis, eczema, psoriasis, raised moles, warts, skin cancer and problematic skin conditions (i.e. active acne, dermatitis, etc.). You may roll anywhere on the face, (even on your lips) avoiding the eye area inside of the orbital bone.

We recommend cleaning your Cosmetic Roll-CIT™ with CIT™ Cleansing Solution.